Sunday, January 25, 2015

Happy New Years! Happy Thrive Tools!!

Happy 2015! After a long stint off, I am back and running!! I am not sure about everyone else, but with a new year comes new "to do's". Some are easier than others, especially with the help of tax returns.. And some are just more fun! As I sat down and tried to look back on 2014, I didn't want to set New Year resolutions. I wanted to set weekly (heck, with how things have started out, DAILY) goals to help further my family and myself along. I am not perfect, and I know that I am not going to magically have everything put together in a day, week,  month or even year. I am a girl in progress.

So one of my mission's was to count and keep track of my food storage. I am not sure why I have never done this before, because I have the tool on my Q. So I set out and I counted everything that I had, and put the data into the computer system. By ALL means, DO NOT feel bad that you are only at 10% of your year supply for 5 adults! The pyramids weren't built in a day. (I would like to add that I do not have 5 adults in my home, but I will at some point, and so I am just preparing for that day!).You may want to also take advantage of the calculator. I always ask myself, how much do I need of flour? Sugar? Oil? It can be overwhelming, and many don't know where to start! 

You can access all of these tools for free by visiting: 
OK. Food Storing 101: There are two types of shelf stable foods:
  • Short-term foods - these foods on average have a 3 month to 10 year shelf life. For example, boxed breakfast cereal has about a 1 year shelf life. But a can of corn has a 2 -5 year shelf life.
  • Long-term foods - these foods have a 20 - 30 year shelf life because they sometimes have been carefully sealed (usually) with an oxygen absorber packet.
Your first goal should be to get to 3 months supply. Most of the food you store for your 3 month supply will be "short-term", but you will want to be adding "long-term" as you go. My only advice is to cook with your long term food, so that when and if an emergency does come, you know how to use it and your family will eat it without complaining!

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