Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Water, WATER, WATER!! Did you remember water??

I don't think many of us think about water. I live in the high Arizona desert, and live in a rural area. Because of this, we have had to maintain our own well. There have been a time or two that we have woken up to no water. Even so, growing up, I remember a time when we had to not drink the city water because it was contaminated with E-Coli. For those old enough to remember September 11, 2001... The first thing people bought after the attacks were water. Why?? Because your body has to have it. You can go weeks with little to no food. Simply put; we need to make water as much a priority as food on our emergency preparedness and long term storage.

So HOW much do I need??

You should store at least one gallon of water per person for three days. A normally active person needs about three quarters of a gallon of fluid daily, from water and other beverages. However, individual needs vary, depending on age, health, physical condition, activity, diet and climate.
To determine your water needs, take the following into account:*
  • One gallon of water per person per day, for drinking and sanitation.(Medical emergencies, nursing mothers, children and sick people may require more)
  • If you live in a warm weather, you may need more water . In very hot temperatures, water needs can be doubled.
  • If using dehydrated/freezer dried food, water needs to be increased

How do I STORE water??

It is recommended that you buy commercial water and keep it unopened until ready to use. Store water containers in a cool, dark place.

Preparing YOUR own containers of WATER!

It is recommended you purchase food grade water storage containers:
Before filling with water, clean the containers with dishwashing soap and water and rinse thoroughly.

It is important to not use plastic jugs or cardboard containers that have had milk or fruit juice in them. The protein's in the milk and fruit sugars can't be removed from these containers and is a breading environment for bacterial growth when water is stored in them. Cardboard containers leak and are not designed for long term storage.

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